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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Perfect Heart

I have had two really frightening experiences in my life over the past year. They were both with my boys. The first happened a few months ago. Jack was running a fever of 101 and I was at home with him by myself. He would just lay his little head on me and wanted nothing to do but cuddle. I had given him Tylenol for his fever and already gave him a cool bath. Within an hour of this, Jack's fever spiked and he started seizing. I had no idea what was happening, ran to the next door neighbors house, and called 911. I was holding Jack as tight as I could against me, and the seizure lasted 4-5 minutes. The ambulance pulled up as well as Brian who was coming home from church, and they told me he had a febrile seizure. Brian knew about this because his dad is a pediatrician, but I had no idea. Jack recovered wonderfully, but this was the first time I really and truly realized that I had to put his life was in God's hands.

The second frightening experience happened today. I went in for my monthly prenatal check-up. My measurements were fine, and then my amazing doctor went to listen for baby's heartbeat. Normally with both pregnancies, I have heard the heartbeat right away and it is always perfect. Not this time. I was not hearing the normal beats. I looked at my doctor and said What is wrong? He told me that his heart sounded irregular and he wanted to make sure that everything was okay with an ultrasound. I was a little worried, but tried to not think about the what ifs. I went for the ultrasound, and still his little heart was irregular. My doctor told me I needed to go to Labor and Delivery to monitor his heart for a longer period of time. this is when I started to worry. What if his heart is not developing, what if something is wrong with my baby, what if? While driving to the hospital, I prayed with tears and asked God to hold his heart and make it perfect. I was monitored for an hour, and a high risk doctor came in to look at sweet baby's heart. The doctor did an ultrasound. We saw his sweet face, pouty lips, perfect head, little feet, and then his heart. He looked at it for at least 10 minutes, and looked at me and said his heart is perfect there is nothing irregular or anything I am worried about. Praise God!
I was reminded today that God created Jack and growing baby for a purpose, and that He made their hearts and they are in His hands. They are perfect!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Jack

Jack is 16 months old and loving life! I cannot believe how fast his life is flying by. It makes my heart so happy to watch him grow, learn, and just live daily. How amazing is it that he is the most pure and innocent person I know. I am truly TRULY blessed to be his mother, teacher, friend, corrector, and protector here on earth.

Here are some new things in the life of my little 16 monther:

  • Jack has got the walking thing down, and not only walks but takes off running.
  • He loves apples, he can eat a whole apple and it takes him about 2 hours. He will carry it around the house with him until he is done.
  • He can say what every animal says.
  • He is beginning to be interested in some cartoons if they are singing
  • Jack mimics what we say. Brian has taught him I'm tough, and it is really not tough but the sweetest little voice ever saying I'm tough!
  • I have no idea what the boy weighs. I took him to the doctor last week and tried to put him on the big scale but he was not having it! I know he is well over 30 pounds and very tall.
  • He is still wearing 2T clothing, but we will for sure be in 3T by summer.
  • Jack is still a momma's boy and wants me to hold him and cuddle him still. I love it and try to remember every moment because I know it will go away too fast.
  • He loves our dog Cash, and yells his name when he is not beside him. Too funny.
  • Jack loves taking a bath and I can hardly get his clothes off before he gets in. He hates putting on his diaper and pjs after bath and runs to his tent in his room to try to hide. There has been several accidents because if this!
  • Jack is very sweet, loving, and beginning to become a little stinker. I often call him Wilder which just so happens to be his middle name.
I am sure I will be posting a lot on my Jack Wilder! Hope you have a beautiful sun shiny day!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Here we go...

I know that blogs are a little old, and yes I am just now getting one. I am not very tech savvy you would say! I guess I will start by telling you a little bit about me. I am married to a man that looks like a bigger version of Jesus. He has been called this many times by students. He is a student minister at Midtowne Church in Arkansas. We have been ministering to students for almost two years now. We have a beautiful son named Jack Wilder. I say beautiful because he truly is, not girly but a handsome beautiful. We are also expecting another boy in May and cannot wait. I am very blessed to have a wonderful family. I wanted to start this blog to share our lives with people, and for my boys. Happy March and happy blogging!